Saturday, November 29, 2008

nightgaunt, nightgaunt

I have college essays due for the early decision deadline on Monday. I haven't started them actually. Sometimes being a type B personality is really, really horrible. I'm not procrastinating, I'm just...uninspired. Right? I've been staying up all night playing bass wishing, just wishing, I was as cool as Kim Deal. (the staying up all night is mostly contributed to the fact that I just started drinking black coffee...and a lot of it) I went to the mall on black Friday, not exactly sure why. I didn't buy anything. I also realized that I am in fact a very bad driver. Several people appeared to be quite upset and communicated this through the use of a certain hand gesture. Such angry faces...

I think I'm gonna ask my mom to get me this for christmas. Keep it on the mantel above the fireplace, yanno? I think it'd be a nice addition to the home decor...

I'm a scatterbrain.